Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Concert

I was rescued from my serious / moody / sad phase on Monday night, and ended up chatting online until gone 3am. Very foolish. But fortunately I had double Biology first thing on Tuesday morning which meant I could pretty much switch off. I missed Jess though!

The Spring Concert on Tuesday was vaguely depressing and I've decided it's the last one I'll take part in. Once upon a time I was lead saxophonist for Concert Band and Jazz band, I sang in Chamber choir and played clarinet in Orchestra.. But since Mr B left and school music has fallen down I have been less willing to dedicate my time. Last night I played in orchestra only, and the likes of Jeremy took sax solos*. It's not just me, all decent year 13 players have dropped out - or rather, we've been forced out by a wealth of untalented beginners. Of course you need to include the learners! Of course they must be trained up! But, as Mussolini learned when he opened up the Fascist Party to everyone, all the hardline fascists left. They were diluted to the point that what they believed in was lost! Now, I don't mean to compare the Head of Music to a Fascist dictator... but you can see the parallel I'm drawing.

*my sister's boyfriend also took a solo, and he was everso good (but then he lives with my sax teacher so he damn well should be good!)

Jess says:
Spin says:
Spin says:
Spin says:
it's kinda funny
Jess says:
Jess says:
you're not going to tell him? :D
Spin says:
nah :)
Spin says:
as you said, he's a big boy, he can cope
Jess says:
this is true ;)

Jess is generally wonderful. Someone who I can just be open with, without feeling the need to keep things back. Perhaps because we share a lot of the same quirks and kinks. Perhaps because we're going to be friends for a very long time.. especially if we both make our offers.

Wow! Goo Goo Dolls - Here is gone! Totally forgot about this track until 30 seconds ago! It makes me think about Robyn! :D :D :D


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